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Re: Insomnia
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001, at 09:45:13
In Reply To: Insomnia posted by Jezzika on Monday, June 25, 2001, at 08:18:15:

> I've had insomnia for ten years. Not sleeplessness--- this is chronic, and I often spend an entire night awake. However, I've never had it last more than 24 hours. Should I be worried? Has this happened to anyone else? I avoid sleeping pills, because I don't want to form a dependence.
> --Jez"in mental limbo"zika

My first guess is you use your bed for other activities than sleeping -- sitting and reading, as a sofa for watching tv, as a chair when friends come over. If this is the case, what you've been doing is disassociating your bed with sleep. If you only use the bed for sleeping, you will be reinforcing the sleeping behavior.

Unfortunately, this will take a little while for your body to relearn that bed=sleep. If you intermittently use the bed for non-sleep purposes, it will take much longer to reinforce the sleeping behavior.

That said, you should talk to a doctor about a possible sleeping disorder.

-Faux "deja vu" Pas

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