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Re: Just say AAAAAHHnonononono to cubicles
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001, at 00:46:37
In Reply To: Re: Just say AAAAAHHnonononono to cubicles posted by Brunnen-G on Saturday, June 23, 2001, at 04:18:10:

> Oh, it was appalling. The guy who interviewed
>me drew organisational charts on a whiteboard.
>He put circles around things and drew arrows
>like "synergy" and "leveraging productivity". He
>asked me personality-testing questions full of
>so many buzzwords I didn't even know what he was
>trying to ask me.
> Also, they don't even have cubicles, they have
>workstations. It's an "open environment". They
>sit in groups of five or six at little circular
>clusters scattered around a big open floor.
>You're supposed to work with your back and desk
>and monitor and every move you make exposed to
>fifty other people. There's no privacy at all,
>or any way to avoid people who walk around or
>talk or (for example) crunch peanut M&Ms at 138
>decibels. Yes, this is a senior position: I was
>told it makes things "equal" when everybody
>works in the same conditions. Yeah, sure, so why
>not give everybody an office with a door? I'm
>sorry, but there's no WAY I can get anything
>done like that.

Oh hell. Run. Very fast. In the opposite direction. Any company that actually believes that BS about putting everyone in a cubicle (or worse, an open workstation! GAH!) for "equality" needs to die.

-- Dave