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Adventures With... 3 Rinkies and a Sosiqui!
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Saturday, June 23, 2001, at 23:12:37

Well, it's late at night, but I'm stealing my friend's computer to post about my wonderful day with Ellmyruh, Ayako and flyingcats! :) It was HUGE fun, and we got some *great* pictures. Here's my account of the day.

I got on the train at 9:30 am, and rode it for three hours to get from my hometown to Davis. The trip was nice until we got to Oakland, at which point 11 kids got on - each armed with around 5 Blowpops apiece. O_o Bad, bad. Then they got M & Ms and THREW them around. I got pasted several times. Oh well. On the way there, I saw a whole train pulling tanker cars labeled 'CORN'. ;)

When I got to the Davis station, I recognized Elly, Ayako and flyingcats at once, and they greeted me with an enthusiastic group hug. :) Interestingly, we almost never called each other by our real names, so I was Sosiqui for the day. We hopped in Elly's car and headed to lunch. We decided to go to Chili's, in part because we wanted to see the Huge Knives. Unfortunately, none of our meals came with a Huge Knife, and even when I asked for a knife, it wasn't a Huge Knife. But we took pictures anyway. *snickers* And laughed a LOT. I'm sure plenty of people thought we were insane. :)

Then we drove to the Jelly Belly factory, where... you guessed it!... Jelly Bellies, and other candies, are made. The factory part was closed (it being the weekend and all) but it was still interesting. And they gave out big free samples! And we were tempted by and bought Large Chocolates. ;) Bad us. (Okay... bad me and bad flyingcats. Elly and Ayako abstained from more than the free samples.) Then we went outside and took lots of pictures of us in our silly, required paper hat things. And we flopped down and took pictures in the grass of the dog walk area. Yes, once again, surely people thought we were crazy. :)

We then decided that we needed to meet the Rinky requirement of Taking Pictures Of Us Climbing On Stuff, so we drove up to Davis again, to the same park where Ellmyruh met Kaz!. On the way, we stopped at an Elmira street and took pictures of Elly by the sign there. ;) At the park, we found a ton of things to climb on, so we did. Everyone MADE me pose for a picture on... you guessed it... the monkey bars. :p heehee. But then I made Elly sit on a rocking duck thing, because she was then ducking (duxoring!). ;) And much climbing fun was had by all, and we sat on this ruling swinging bench thing for about an hour and a half, just talking. At some point flyingcats drizzled sand onto the walkway to write 'm33p m33p'. And I inscribed 'RinkWorks rules!' into the sand. :)

Then we went over to another playground and played for all we were worth, taking lots of pictures and once AGAIN making people think we were insane. :) And we must have done a good job of playing, because some younger kids, probably about 6-7 years old, asked if they could play too. And that ended up being incredibly funny...

Kids: What are you doing?
Us: Er... playing?
Kids: Ooh. Can we play?
Us: *blink*
Kids: Are you playing monkeys?
Us: *cracks up hysterically*

Yes indeedy. *giggles* And so the kids followed us around for a while, and told us, as flyingcats and Elly prompted them, that there were no Monkeyladies in this game, but that there COULD be Monkeyquis, and a whole lot of other stuff. I was laughing pretty hard through most of it. :) And I'm sure the others have more to add about this. After the park, we went to Jamba Juice for dinner, and hung out at Borders until it was time to depart.

I had a fantastic day... Elly, Ayako and flyingcats were even cooler offline, and we had great fun. We discussed you guys a lot, tried our hands (tongues?) at hax0r speak in real life (lamer one-one-one!), and generally had insane fun. :) Whew! What a day. :)

Sosi"we must do it again some time!"qui

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