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Re: opposable
Posted By: Vexed, on host
Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999, at 23:05:23
In Reply To: Re: opposable posted by Procyon on Sunday, June 27, 1999, at 18:32:34:

> > I wonder why primates don't have an opposable big toe? I wish I could spell that word for a tail that helps an animal climb trees. Then I could ask a really clever question.
> > How"the spiral brain"ard
> "No retractable claws, no opposable toes, no prehensile tail, no compound eyes, no fangs, no wings... *sign*" - Calvin

Since you brought it up, I'd love to be All That Is and be Everything Everywhere Everywhen All At Once for 1.42857 Eternities. Is that asking too much?

Meanwhile back on Earth, why are Mt Rushmore's heads not hatted?

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