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Re: Heads up, Sam...
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Friday, June 22, 2001, at 17:00:04
In Reply To: Heads up, Sam... posted by Issachar on Friday, June 22, 2001, at 05:23:39:

> ... Book-A-Minute is the Link of the Day on Blue's News this morning. I'd be curious to know how much of a spike getting Blues'ed produces over normal traffic patterns, if you happen to check. :-)

Significantly, apparently. The top main page hits (i.e., subpage hits are not counted) in the last six or seven hours look like this:

2138 The Dialectizer
2122 Book-A-Minute
1920 Computer Stupidities
973 Movie-A-Minute
368 Things People Said
215 Message Forum

The next ten or so are in the 100-200 range. The ones in this range (and the Message Forum) swap places a bit. Normally BAM and MAM are around where Things People Said is, which is as high as it is because it is linked to from CS. So BAM is now doing Dialectizer-like traffic, and MAM was boosted from the link to it on BAM.

As far as total hits are concerned, BAM and MAM are doing *better* than the Dialectizer, because when people do the Dialectizer, they don't visit as many subpages as well.

I haven't tracked hits in quite some time. It seems Computer Stupidities has gained a lot of traffic since I looked last, and the Dialectizer might be tapering off some. It's hard for me to compare traffic levels now with six months ago because the above hit counts are taken over a brief and inexact time frame. If I could compare hits over exactly one day now vs. exactly one day six months ago, it would be more telling.