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Re: A Question of Preference
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 19:23:15
In Reply To: Re: A Question of Preference posted by Jezzika on Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 17:18:24:

> I have to have graphics and scenery, otherwise I feel disoriented.
> My mind is intensely visual. I never get lost, because I remember landmarks without even trying. If I'm a passenger in a car, I have to keep my eyes on the road. If I close them, the motion of the car without seeing where I'm going makes me instantly carsick.

I usually close my eyes when I'm in the car. Of course, I'm always a passenger thus far... :-)

> So, in computer games, I need images or else I can't figure out the puzzles. Pretty dumb, I guess. I wish I could play the games on Rinkworks, but I can't do it.
> Of course, I can read more than picture books, I'm not that bad. :) I have no problems vividly imagining scenes as I read about them. But it doesn't work for text games.

Makes sense. With games, you generally have to make some sort of decision based on the information you're given. Books are generally not that way(the most notable exceptions being CYOA books, which tend to have pictures, but you don't often make decisions from them. The Interplanetary Spy series, on the other hand...) unless you either have pictures, or the information is such that pictures aren't needed.

> --Jez"where am I?"zika

Nyper"You are in the middle of a locked room with apparently no key. On one wall are three switches, on another wall are one red light, one yellow light, and one blue light, and on the remaining wall that has no door are three knobs, each with numbers 0-9. Perhaps these hold the key to the way out...?"old