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Re: Rich In Society
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999, at 17:22:19
In Reply To: Rich In Society posted by Chris Wolford on Sunday, June 27, 1999, at 13:25:20:

> Well well we are again for yet another one of my inconsistant ramblings about modern day society. What is society....society is majority..and why is society majority...because majority rules. And what else is the majority of high basically if you have enough money you can shape society. And that is exactly what is wrong with society. People tend to follow teh life styles of the rich and famous...because they are rich and famous. Not because what they do is morally correct or incorrect...or because it is economically or ecologically aware...It just seems like the rich and famous look really good doing it. And that is why money says it all...It brings you ever illusive atention and while your spectators are in a catanoic state you can shape their reality to whatever you like....and that is why the insane are...well..insane...not because they are actually insane but because some rich guy says hey...that isn't how you should live your life...your insane....sick rich idiots don't even know what they are doing to people anymore...its a shame i tell ya..

"I've been poor and I've been rich. Rich is better."
I wish I could remember who said that.

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