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Re: RinkDreams...
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 15:10:21
In Reply To: RinkDreams... posted by ThePhan on Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 12:23:14:

> I had two in the past three days. I think it was really my conscience reminding me I hadn't been here in three days...
> In the first one, I got a computer virus by going to RinkChat. But this was one *fancy* virus- it made my printer emit large spiders. About 75 a minute. It sure scared the heck outta me.
> The second one found me sliding helplessly around on sheets of paper (which, come to think of it, resembled the yards and yards of question mark paper in the Dr. Seuss movie "The Hoober-Bloob Highway") and encountering RinkyDinks on the way...for example, Brunnen_G who had recently changed her handle to Brunnen_G15 because, as she very logically explained, "It's my lucky number."
> The"so it wasn't as entertaining as my musical RinkDream"phan

Or, for that matter, the one about the church. That was awesome. :)

I recently(like *today*) had a short series of dreams whilst I was napping, and one of them included Sakura.

[WARNING: This is not an entertaining dream; It's actually quite serious. If you cannot stand reading about those, or any RinkDreams, for that matter, back out now. There are plenty of other posts to read.]

(This is not the start of the dream, but I forget what led up to it.)

Okay, so Sakura, a bunch of people my brain decided not to identify for me, a couple of large dogs, and I were outside, and we were headed somewhere on foot. Then I turned to see that the two dogs(previously identical, yet obviously two dogs) had merged into one dog... with two tails. I said "Kitsune" to myself, and looked back where I was headed... but I didn't see Sakura. I was confused until I walked around, and saw her at... something. I got the impresion that someone had died, and this was that person's sarcophagus. Sakura was not crying at it, just looking somewhat sad(closer to depressed). She then walked back and stood, or sat, maybe, beside me, still looking depressed. I put a friendly, comforting arm around her. Not much of the rest of the dream involved her. The only other people I could identify from my life were background actors, and probably not known by anybody else who comes here.
