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Re: Marathon
Posted By: julian, on host
Date: Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 01:02:44
In Reply To: Re: Marathon posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, June 19, 2001, at 15:11:58:

> I always wonder what other people think about while they run. I don't like wearing a Walkman because it makes me unaware of what's going on around me, which can be dangerous, but I find my ability to happily listen to my own thoughts usually has about a ten-minute limit. Running seems to take just enough concentration that you can't mentally concentrate on anything else, but not enough to keep it from being earthshatteringly boring, apart from the last few minutes where you're thinking "Yeah! Yay! I'm almost there!" and it starts feeling good.
> Brunnen-"unfortunately, it's the only form of exercise I find hard enough that it actually works"G

My trick is to go orienteering. Below is a link to the International Orienteering Federation's page with links to national federations - the US federation has a nice page with an introduction to the sport, if needed. This can literally make an hour go by without me noticing.

Other than that, when actually competing in a marathon, one of the special things is the 'scenery': All the thousands and thousands of people who come out to watch, cheer, dance, play music, whatever, along the route. But you probably know this, if you've ever seen it on the telly.

jul"Plugging: I've heard that NZ is a good place to go orienteering"ian

Link: The IOF