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Re: opposable thumb
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Saturday, June 26, 1999, at 12:48:19
In Reply To: opposable thumb posted by Vexed on Saturday, June 26, 1999, at 11:10:44:

> Why is our opposable thumb where it is? I mean, it could just as well be swopped with the little finger. Or could it?

I am not a biology sort of guy, but I am a philosopher, so I'll take this from a philosophical angle. If the opposable thumb were anywhere other than where it is now, chances are that you would still be asking this question. As such, it doesn't really matter where the thumb is located, people will still wonder why it isn't somewhere else. SO I would hazard that the answer to the question is irrelevant - only the question itself is of any import.

Dar "I, also, am irrelevant" ien