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Re: Norse Grooming & Afterlife
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2001, at 01:38:52
In Reply To: Re: Norse Grooming & Afterlife posted by gabby on Tuesday, June 19, 2001, at 23:52:15:

> > As I recall, If you go to the underworld, Hel uses your nail clipping to build a great longboat. When that's finished, it'll mark the beginning of Raganarok.
> Does this have something to do with why it is illegal for nurses to trim people's nails?
> I can see the headlines for National Enquirer: "American Medical Association Cult Seeks Destruction of Earth!"

LOL!!! But why not? Stranger things have happened...

I used to bite my finger nails pretty much right down to the quick. To all intents and purposes, I didn't have any nails. And then I decided to stop, and grow my nails long. I trim then when they get so long it's tricky to type, but that's it. With this thread starting up here, and my old memories of Norse mythology resurfacing, I have to admit that I feel a little (just a very little) uncomfortable with the idea. I don't quite know why.

winter"some version of Pascal's wager, probably"mute