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Re: Was I scammed?...addendum
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Saturday, June 16, 2001, at 22:55:45
In Reply To: Re: Was I scammed? posted by Brunnen-G on Saturday, June 16, 2001, at 22:48:46:

> Wait, wait, wait!! Am I missing something here? A rather harmless guy gives you some religious handouts, he doesn't attempt to pressure you into attending any meetings or giving him money or even says anything creepy to you, and you start seething and discussing revenge on HIM because some OTHER guy acted weird?!
> I agree that Guy 2 acted like a rude creep, but what makes you think he had anything to do with Guy 1? It sounds to me like he was some unconnected rude creep who was exerting his rude creepiness both on you AND on the Hindu guy.
> Brunnen-"and I don't think it counts as a scam to get given free stuff. You can always throw it away"G

...Of course, you were absolutely right not to agree to go somewhere with a stranger for a free meal. Otherwise, I agree that one dollar is pretty cheap if you got some books and an interesting experience out of it.