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Re: Timothy McVeigh & The death penalty
Posted By: Arthur, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 19:15:59
In Reply To: Re: Timothy McVeigh & The death penalty posted by Brunnen-G on Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 18:44:21:

> > Arthur, I'm not sure if it's my place to say this, but maybe you're doing your opinions a disservice by writing such incredibly long posts every single time.
> Actually, as soon as I hit "post" I realised it *isn't* my place to say that. Nobody's forcing me to read any threads I don't want to, and that was an impolite comment anyway. So, um, just ignore me.

No, thank you. Wait, that's ambiguous. I mean, no, I disagree with this post and I'm thanking you for your other one. (Geez, how long-winded can I get?)

True, no one's forcing anyone to read anything, but I'd *like* people to read my posts rather than give up in disgust, for obvious reasons, and so I appreciate any friendly advice that makes my posts more readable. (I'd've never learned even rudimentary netiquette if not for friendly strangers over the years.) And I consider politeness to be at best a minor virtue, at least when I'm concerned. I'd much rather someone told me I had a big spinach fragment hanging from my teeth than politely avoided me all night. (I don't, do I?)

How's about I don't ignore you and do shorten my posts, and in return you don't ignore me and try not to go arrrgggh if I go a little over the twenty-page limit in a weak moment? Fair deal? :)

Ar"no, really, are my teeth clean?"thur

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