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Re: 180!
Posted By: Oeras, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2001, at 04:03:43
In Reply To: Re: 180! posted by eric sleator on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 16:09:03:

> > And what about golf? And auto racing?
> Not sports.
> -eric sleator
> Tue 12 Jun A.D. 2001

Hehehe. My family (most of them, including me) are into auto racing. I would like to share a commercial seen during a commercial break in the coverage of an auto racing event:

[Back left corner view of car racing down straightaway at nearly 200 mile per hour]

In white text: Some people say racing isn't a sport.

[Some other dramatic car view with the whole screen tinted dramatically gold-ish]

Text: They say it's just guys driving cars in circles.

[View of filled stands at auto racing event, with everyone sitting down, looking to the down-left corner of screen (where the track is)]

Text: Say what you like.

[Hear cars racing...crowd goes completely wild...cut to guy standing in the crowd, yelling something you can't hear]

Text: We can't hear you.

[End commercial]

I think auto racing is a sport. Drivers get pretty darn sweaty. It's fairly dangerous. (Note Dale Earnhardt's recent death.) But, I must concede one point...they don't drink while driving. : )
