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Re: Developing codes of conduct for Chat: Ethics concern
Posted By: Gahalia, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 13:50:35
In Reply To: Re: Developing codes of conduct for Chat: Ethics concern posted by Sam on Monday, June 11, 2001, at 16:04:48:

> > And I've seen ops quiet everyone in the room just so they can say something without being interrupted, kick people just for fun, and other similar things. I know a lot of this is not mean-spirited but instead an attempt at joking around with their friends. But it's sad when an op does this to people who don't know them and who are unlikely, for that or any other reason, to find the humor in the situation. And it's still an abuse of the powers Sam has given the ops to use responsibly when necessary.

> Sometimes, perhaps, but I don't agree that this is usually the case.

I didn't mean to suggest that this sort of thing happened a lot. In fact, I've found it to be rare, but still worth noting in this thread.

> I do those things myself on occasion. I do the best I can to be considerate of everybody and to make sure that such things are not construed as an offense. However, I have better things to do than to drive myself paranoid that, oh no, someone might not find me funny! -- and walk on eggshells to avoid offending someone.

> Generally I think people should be a little thicker skinned or suffer the consequences of their own brittle tempers.

> There should be some give and take. I'll meet easily offendable people half way, maybe even two thirds of the way over, but I'm sure as heck not meeting them right where they've got their feet planted.
> I expect the same from ops. Make reasonable precautions to avoid offending people, apologize and make amends if on reflection after the fact it seems that insufficient precautions were taken; to heck with it otherwise.

Of course ops shouldn't have to constantly worry about offending people. After all, RinkChat isn't here to be a burden for anyone.

But kicking an obnoxious person (who probably needs "thicker skin" and more common sense anyway) is one thing. Blatantly abusing op powers for selfish reasons is another, and I have a feeling that those who do this are unlikely to apologize because they may not recognize how their actions hurt others. Yes, it can be funny at times - the "Best Kick" and "Best Ban" awards come to mind - but attempts at humor can be carried too far.

I probably am coming across more harshly than I feel, but I don't know of any other way to phrase this. Despite this minor concern, I commend those who contribute to what I think is overall a very well-run chat.
