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just like a boll weevil
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 09:48:29

I can't help but think about that old song about the boll weevil who was "alookin' for a home."
The Homestead people who hosted my website for free have decided to charge money, so I'm looking for a new home. Does anybody know of a free website host that's easy to work with?
I hope I've learned enough to build a new site from scratch, 'cause I'm sure I can't pick up the old site lock, stock, and barrel and move it to a new host. I looked at the old site and it was beginning to get like I wanted it to look. I'm going to ("snif") miss it. I posted some new pictures just a couple of days ago and last night, I photographed a whole set of quilts to replace the old ones that are on there. The "My Favorite Pictures" feature never really got rolling.
Oh well, I guess there is a lot to be said for a fresh start.

Link: one last look

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