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Re: Xanth
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999, at 17:51:26
In Reply To: Re: Xanth posted by Susan on Monday, June 21, 1999, at 17:18:18:

> Maybe it's just me. I'm a teenager just out of middle school and may be ignorant about these things. I still think that's rude.

It wouldn't be out of rudeness. That's not the way things are done. Anthony and Lackey would have entered into some sort of agreement before they even started the project, in which the responsibilities of each would be outlined, and the order of the names as they would appear on the book cover would be agreed upon. The reason for which name came first could have been one of several: the order of the alphabet, a coin toss, or, most likely, that Anthony's name was perceived by the publisher to be more marketable than Lackey's. At any rate, the order of names as they appear on books written by more than one author do not, in my experience, always necessarily reflect who did the greater share of work. And at the same time, I'm not convinced that the one who does the actual writing is, actually, doing the greater share of work. The writing part is much harder than the story part for me, but that's not the case with others. And regardless of which one is more *work*, I would argue that the one with the ideas/storyline did the most *valuable* share of the work. Anyone can do the writing part. So there are a number of factors involved in collaborations. Certainly enough that I'd never want to be involve in one myself. :-)

I don't doubt you that the book stunk, though. I have no experience with Lackey's work, but I can't imagine her improving on a story Anthony wasn't excited enough about to write himself.

> The second thing that got me mad was that our egotistical author insisted on editing the book, wedging totally unneeded characters wherever they may fit. In most cases where they don't.

Well, I would *expect* the other half of a collaboration to proofread/edit what the other wrote. But I can well imagine that his edits were for the worse.

> Sorry, Rinkworks and Rinkworks readers.

Don't apologize! We don't suffer from attention deficit disorder here. The more the better. :-)