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Re: Forum poll: is romance better than honesty?
Posted By: the_surfacer, on host
Date: Monday, June 11, 2001, at 20:49:25
In Reply To: Forum poll: is romance better than honesty? posted by Brunnen-G on Sunday, June 10, 2001, at 15:12:18:

> Which of the following viewpoints do you agree more with? Or do you have a different view entirely?

I'd have to say I'm much more of a Viewpoint 2 person. "I love you" can be delivered in many tones of voice, and it's the more intense tones that I save for special occasions rather than the words themselves, which can be rejuvenating when one's having a bad day.

It's the small acts of caring, in fact, that keep relationships alive. My boyfriend and I tend to eschew some things as cliché, but we still have our ways of displaying our affection.

I've not had good luck with relationships. It's made me insecure, and so the little things are my daily validations that, indeed, this man does love me.

Gah. I give up. Someone will come along and say this better anyway, if I haven't already overlooked it in someone else's post.

> Brunnen-"will be very interested to see whether the replies divide along gender lines"G

the_"what a confusing first post she's written, but here it is anyway"surfacer

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