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Re: Forum poll: is romance better than honesty?
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Sunday, June 10, 2001, at 19:35:35
In Reply To: Re: Forum poll: is romance better than honesty? posted by Sosiqui on Sunday, June 10, 2001, at 16:01:31:

> Heh. Having never been in any kind of significant meaningful relationship, I have zilch experience - but I can take a stab at what I *would* prefer more.
> Personally, I would like the little things, but they should come from a genuine love. The little things would make me feel special and loved, but for them to have any meaning at all they would have to be honest... not in the sense of being told I look nice when I think I look horrid or whatever honest, but that the emotion prompting the comment (or whatever) should be honest, and not just randomly done for no real reason. I don't think such would devalue a relationship but rather enrich it.
> Did that make any sense at all?
> Sosi"this might change should someone ever decide they like me, but I don't know"qui

...ah, but you *do* have experience. Romantic relationships are a lot like platonic relationshipm, only more so. If you are considerate to your family and your platonic friends, chances are you will be considerate to your romantic interest too. Likewise,selfish people are selfish people no matter who they are relating to.

koala"trust me on this one"mom