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Re: A dying art
Posted By: ria, on host
Date: Saturday, June 9, 2001, at 10:30:40
In Reply To: A dying art posted by Jezzika on Saturday, June 9, 2001, at 02:03:33:

> I was thinking about this today as I laboriously wrote a letter to my grandmother.
> Where is cursive writing going? Do any of you still use cursive? Everyone now is taught cursive mandatorily, but do you think that soon it will become an elective, like Spanish or Art class?
> I almost never write cursive anymore. These days, cursive is quaint and hardly used, because of computers. I only use it when I write letters, because I love writing letters and I get some pleasure out of using expensive stationary and beautiful penmanship. But I'm hardly the norm.
> So what do you think? Is cursive necessary, except to read old Snoopy cartoons? Do you use it?

I use cursive when I can. However, school is what got me in the habit of writing in print. It's "unacceptable" to turn something in written in cursive because so many kids' cursive is nearly impossible to read. You have to print on forms; you have to print on worksheets; you have to print on rough drafts, etc.

Because my elementary, junior high, and high school teachers are so picky about this, I've gotten out of the habit of writing in cursive. However, when writing for something other than school, I find myself starting out in print and slowly converting to cursive. I suspect it's because writing in cursive is so much easier and because it looks so much better than my normal print :-)

So maybe it's not dying- just a bit neglected by a few people.