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Re: Balance of perspective
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Saturday, June 9, 2001, at 00:13:52
In Reply To: Re: Self-glorification posted by Ferrick on Wednesday, June 6, 2001, at 22:38:04:

> > > Hm. It's too bad you missed my rant about such self-glorification in Chat the other evening. When you're 80, or even when you're 22, life will have more perspective.
> >
> > What's so wrong with giving yourself a pat on the back once in awhile?
> Nope, nothing wrong with that. But there are more people in this world than just myself and I hope I consider them, too.
> Ferrick

Perhaps what is needed here is a balance of one's perspective. The issue reminds me of a Jewish parable I read once, which said a person should always carry two slips of paper, one in each pocket. On the first one is written, "I am but dust and ashes," and the second one says, "The world was created for our sake." You are supposed to look at the first verse when feeling complacent or superior; and at the second verse when feeling overwhelmed and depressed.

I think this might be a good allegory for how we ought to think of ourselves, with respect to our placement in the world -- and profitably with consideration and regard to our peers. Through thick and thin, all of us are in this together, in the end...


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