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Re: Sympathy for Playstation characters
Posted By: Beasty, on host
Date: Friday, June 8, 2001, at 04:44:29
In Reply To: Sympathy for Playstation characters posted by Brunnen-G on Thursday, June 7, 2001, at 16:09:19:

> I always imagine, if those little pixelated game characters had little private lives, they'd be in there thinking "Oh DAMN, I'm being played by that MORON again who gets me killed fourteen times a minute and they haven't even worked out how to get off level one yet."
> Brunnen-"the more I think of that, the more fun it seems like"G

This is SO similar to a TV advert we have here in the UK right now.

Young man is playing a generic Tomb Raider type game with "Lara" being pursued by an chainsaw-wielding Madman with ferocious dogs. He pauses it as she lies on the ground with him about to decapitate her. He goes off to the kitchen/bathroom and the characters on the screen look around, sit up and start chatting. They pass around Lucozade (The product being advertised) and the Mad guy talks in a very actor "luvvy" accent. The dogs go off and play, get petted etc. There is a noise of a toilet flush and the characters assume their previous stance with them having to call the dogs to heel. The guy unpauses and they carry on as before.

The first time I saw this I thought of being backstage at a drama production, but when I read BG's comments I thought, "Yeah! that's it."

Bea"Will never see another PS game in quite the same light."sty