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Re: Passing Destinies
Posted By: Zarniwoop, on host
Date: Thursday, June 7, 2001, at 08:16:47
In Reply To: Re: Passing Destinies posted by ria on Tuesday, June 5, 2001, at 18:55:16:

I'm like that as well...most of the stuff I've written that I (and my English teacher, if he finds it) considers superb is when I ignore the point of a particularly boring lesson (usually a cover lesson) and write my own thing...I once spent about three weeks of cover lessons writing a condensed version of Macbeth which I am immensely proud of. It was, incidentally, inspired by Movie/Book-A-Minute.

As to hating essays...comparative, yes. However, back in the day of old, ere the passing of the year and the commencement of the Real Millennium, I did write a fictional entry, that truly and convincingly appeared to have come from the diary of a servant at Dunsinane Castle after the events of the first Banquo's Ghost scene of Macbeth. The style was very truly like that how I am typing in as of this little bit. I'll away now, and leave you to ponder my latest waffle (mmm...waffle)

Zarn"The Scottish Play"iwoop