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Re: Which room? Quickly!
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Thursday, June 7, 2001, at 04:12:55
In Reply To: Re: Which room? Quickly! posted by Nyperold on Thursday, June 7, 2001, at 03:14:36:

> > There are a few Irish pubs I know that label the toilets in Gallic. Which is to say "Fir" and "Mná".
> >
> > Anyone want to take a guess?
> >
> > winter"doesn't drink in Irish pubs often enough to have worked it out"mute
> You don't mean "Gaelic", do you? Anyway... *looks it up* Okay, "Fir" means "men" and "Mná" means "women". Wanna take a guess as to which term I searched for?
> Nyper"Ahhh, context clues"old

Of course I mean Gaelic. Gallic would be French.
OK, I'll try and see if I can remember that long enough to avoid acute embarrasment.

The thing is, in Britain (as opposed to Ireland (Northern or Republic of)), Gaelic is not spoken at all. And these are theme pubs that no self-respecting Irishman would be seen dead in.

So everyone must have to, at least once, either ask the staff which is which, or experiment. Both of those lead to a certain degree of embarrassment. My first guess, based simply on the sound of the words was the wrong one.

winter"unless you take an English-Gaelic dictionary with you"mute

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