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Re: Passing Destinies
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2001, at 13:09:35
In Reply To: Re: Passing Destinies posted by Ellmyruh on Tuesday, June 5, 2001, at 13:02:51:

>I frequently wonder how very different my life would be if I had not found the people here on RinkWorks. Some of these chance meetings with people on RinkWorks have turned into friendships I never could have imagined. It's simply amazing.

I wonder that sometimes too. How would my life be different now if I'd never gone into RinkChat and remained a non-participating RinkWorks visitor? What if I never bought the computer game that got me interested in the internet in the first place? How would my life's path (I want to be a graphic designer with an emphasis on designing for the web) be different then?

Some close friendships within RinkWorks I can track down to a starting point of a single line that I said, which prompted a PM, which prompted more. What if I had never said that line? Would those friendships have come up anyway, or would we have simply remained acquaintances?

Too bad I can't *really* use those Sosiqui powers over time and find out, huh?

Sosi"thank goodness for Ticia with ginger ale in Mountain Stream... somebody out there understands what I just said :)"qui

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