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Re: Deadly treetop bug-eatin' fungus?
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, June 1, 2001, at 07:52:54
In Reply To: Deadly treetop bug-eatin' fungus? posted by 10Kan on Friday, June 1, 2001, at 07:35:58:

> Something has been happening up in the trees around my yard every year that bothers me. I look outside my window one breezy morning in early summer, and I notice small white things falling off the trees all over the yard.
> I've inspected the ones on my trampoline (where they're easy to see, because the tramp's black) and I have found them to be poor little insects of many types, some dead, others feebly crawling about, with many soft white threads bursting out of their abdomen.
> I'm guessing that it is some sort of predatory fungus that eats the bug's insides, but I'm not sure. Can anybody help me identify what is causing this wanton slaughter?
> 10"Really needs to hose off his trampoline. Yuck"Kan

I don't know a lot about bugs, but even someone who does is going to need more information. The identity of the problem organism might depend on where you live, your climate, and the type of trees. Some insects only live a short time. Most of their life cycle can be a larva or pupa stage with the adult living only long enough to produce eggs. What you are seeing may be a part of their cycle.

I have a tree problem that seems even worse. I am losing 100-foot-tall hardwoods. Two hickory trees and an oak are standing out there as dead as a doornail. The tree man is coming to remove them on Monday. He spotted two others that may be dying, and because they are close to the house, we are going to have those taken out too. I'm not worried about running out of trees. We still have plenty including tulip popular, black gum, bass wood, maple, and lots of oak and hickory, but I may run out of money. Those five trees are going to cost me $1800!
How"donations accepted"ard

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