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Re: Blast you, Gary Gygax.
Posted By: Kelly, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2001, at 10:13:38
In Reply To: Re: Blast you, Gary Gygax. posted by Faux Pas on Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 07:28:28:

> > > A lodestone in D&D was a really, really, really heavy stone. It was a stone so heavy, it would max out one's encumbrance or load. In other words, a lodestone was a "load" stone.
> > >
> > > How many decades did it take for me to get that pun? Huh?
> > >
> > > -Faux "I didn't play Dungeons & Dragons all
> > > those years without learning something about courage." Pas
> >
> > First off, I think that is the best message title I've seen here in a while.
> >
> > I started paying red-box d&d when I was 7. By then I'd already learnt about lodestones in school, so it wasn't that much of a problem. And I think I recall lodestones in the equipment lists in there as well (as a compas, of course), but I might be wrong.
> >
> > winter"Tried to buy the Dying Earth RPG tody, but they'd sold out"mute
> The lodestone I'm thinking of was a cursed magic item.
> -Faux "started playing with the old blue box that came with chits instead of dice." Pas

If you care to relive those times, you should try playing EverQuest. It's an online game that borrows heavily from D&D. While there are other games that are more "true" to the D&D rules (Baldur's Gate), EverQuest is infinitely more fun.

Careful can get addictive. :)

Kel"had a life before EQ"ly

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