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Re: YAY! I finished my Japan pages
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Monday, May 28, 2001, at 15:58:43
In Reply To: Re: YAY! I finished my Japan pages posted by Grishny on Monday, May 28, 2001, at 14:46:09:

> Your description of Ameyayokocho sounded very similar to the Plaza of Larosis. Did you think about that while you were in there?
> Gri"at least you weren't disguised as a wizard"shny

I can honestly say that I never thought about the Plaza of Larosis at all during the entire two week holiday. Sorry. I'll think about it extra now to make up for that.

Brunnen-"and how do you know I WASN'T disguised as a wizard?...oh well, OK, I wasn't"G