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Re: Old-time TVs
Posted By: Mike, the penny-stamp man, on host
Date: Monday, May 28, 2001, at 14:12:15
In Reply To: Re: Old-time TVs posted by Howard on Monday, May 28, 2001, at 07:41:41:

> It showed a picture that, after I studied it for a while, appeared to be an old out-of-focus cowboy movie. There were knobs for focus, brightness, contrast, volume (with on-off), tuning and channel selection. The latter was the largest and it had a pointer that allowed you to select channels 2 through 13, but Nashville only had a channel 4 ... So the invented UHF and added another knob to the newer sets. You set the channel selector to "U," which was usually between channel 2 and channel 13, and then turned the UHF knob until another channel came up. UHF channels were usually weak and blurry, so if you didn't find one, it was ok.
> How"Where have the rabbit ears gone?"ard

It almost makes sense, after the UHF innovation, but why did they start out, originally, with 2?

If the scientists could have seen today's Channel One (U.S. public school shameless-advertising-disguised-vaguely-as-news television), maybe they would have skipped straight to working on computers or something else useful.

Penny "And who decided 3 and 4 were the optimal channels on which to operate my VCR?" stamp
