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Re: We don't need no stinkin' graphics
Posted By: 10Kan, on host
Date: Monday, May 28, 2001, at 04:38:33
In Reply To: Yes indeed posted by MarkN on Sunday, May 27, 2001, at 20:13:58:

> Right on. In my opinion, it was better than Myst. In Myst, all the puzzles and islands were independent and the tasks could be done in any order... in Riven, everything is connected. You'll need to map everything out, take detailed notes, learn how to count with a different system... it really is a great game.
> I got Myst 3, and it has disappointed me so far. The series really should have ended with Riven.
> Mark"I'm feeling like I Myst something right now..."N

My favorite type of adventure games are Interactive Fiction, more commonly known as text games. I played the first Myst, and enjoyed it except for the maze, which was about as fun as having your teeth pulled. I prefer text games to most graphical ones for three reasons:

1. They're free.
2. They're often made as a labor of love, instead of as another deadline to meet.
3. No annoying 12-year-olds starting flame wars about whether Z-code or TADS is the better engine.

Oh, yeah, and I have included a link to take you to Baf's, a site where you can find a lotta good games to download. Have fun!


Link: Baf's IF Archive