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Re: Fart Jokes
Posted By: Paul A., on host
Date: Sunday, May 27, 2001, at 03:57:50
In Reply To: Re: Fart Jokes posted by gabby on Saturday, May 26, 2001, at 22:11:54:

> > The animation is really impressive. Skin looks like skin--there are pores and everything.
> > The other computer animated stories were about creatures with hard surfaces: plastic toys
> > and insects. But this movie takes place in forests, fields, and swamps, and is about people
> > and animals, and it all looks *real*.
> >
> > Well, the fantastic reality of fairy tales, anyway.

> The animation was clearly a big step up from previous films. It still had that angular,
> awkward quality to computer animation, but it really made me wonder how long it will
> be before it will be difficult to distinguish flesh characters from animations. The forms and
> colors are almost there; humanoid movement needs a great deal of work still.

According to one of the press releases, the princess turned out so realistic-looking that they had to derealisticify her a bit so she would fit in with the rest of the animation...

And then, of course, there's the Final Fantasy movie...
