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Re: A funny thing happened while I was reading the forum. . .
Posted By: illyandra, on host
Date: Friday, May 25, 2001, at 16:09:34
In Reply To: A funny thing happened while I was reading the forum. . . posted by Tess on Friday, May 25, 2001, at 09:24:31:

> The street that we live on runs E-W, and there is a large hill with a road on it perpindicular to it. It is no a street that runs all the way through, it stops at the intersection. Instead of a road, there is my house and an elementary school. They said that the person was driving very fast and didn't stop at the stop sign. Then he swerved onto our front lawn, drove through the fence, ripped off 30 feet (!!) of it, flipped around and drove away.
> The police were there immediatly. The canine unit was there first, then severel police cars, a bike police officer, and the CSI (Crime Scene Investigation). They looked at the tire marks, I believe they took some pictures (atlest someone was walking around with a camera), and found chunks of the person's tires on our lawn.
> Very, very exciting. We all went back home after offering statements (only the eye witnesses, my father and the family up the street)...and that's all we know. We don't know if they've caught someone, or anything. Bah. All I know was that the police were flashing their lights, flashing flashlights, and making lots of visual pollution...and they were about 10 feet away from the window that leads into my bedroom. *sigh*
> Craziness.
> Tess

YIKES! that's freaky stuff. the worst thing that's ever happened to me, crime-wise, was when some kids on my street, who i knew, somehow pulled the stop sign out of the ground and threw it over my fence. Let's just say they were logically impaired that night. Hope you find that crazy person!

illy"nothing witty to put in quotes"andra