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Re: You are the weakest link....goodbye.....
Posted By: roach, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2001, at 23:35:46
In Reply To: Re: You are the weakest link....goodbye..... posted by gabby on Monday, May 21, 2001, at 20:49:31:

> > A while back, I was thinking how neat it would be if there was a game show where the host was rather uncivil. The host would be someone that the people would be playing against, rather than a jovial master of ceremonies -- a downright villain. It would give everyone someone to root against. Instead of just trying to guess the answers that the host asks the contestants, the viewing audience would be actively supporting the contestant, hoping that they would win. No, they would hope that the nasty host would lose.
> You must be dead on. The first time I watched it, I couldn't stand the host. The next time I watched it, the contestants made fun of her. That made me happy.
> gab" 'Warm fuzzies for the bitter and jaded' "by

I've watched the "Weakest Link" a couple of times.

To be absolutely honest, I really don't like the show, mainly because the host is such a "not very nice" person (even though I know she's not really like that in real life) but also because the contestants as they get voted off - all they can do is "comment & whine" about the people who voted them off "Ew. I really don't think this person should win because ...." and "I don't think I should have been voted off that round because I think Whats-his-face was worse than me".

If I wanted to hear "not very nice things & comments" about people I'd talk to my younger sister when she's in a nasty mood.

R"I really don't like this show because...."oach

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