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Re: forum idea. . .
Posted By: ylleK, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999, at 12:06:45
In Reply To: Re: forum idea. . . posted by Issaphony on Tuesday, June 15, 1999, at 10:19:34:

> > > I've actually toyed with the idea of proposing that we *intentionally* impersonate the regulars in this forum, for the sake of parody and a little fun. I figure anyone out there who can use fifteen commas and a good dose of parenthetical statements in multiple paragraph-long sentences, and take ages to get to the point (if there is one), can do a perfectly passable "Issachar" post. Probably some folks out there could do an ersatz "Howard" post, a parodied "GreenJeanz" post, or a faux "Faux Pas" post (sorry, couldn't resist). And, of course, the person who responds to each and every one of these imitation posts has just successfully impersonated a "Darien" post. :-)
> > >
> > > Is it Iss.....or is it Memorex?
> >
> > Great idea, Sam.
> >
> > -Faux "Diane" Pas
> Ha ha! I just happened to be listening to a "They Might Be Giants" album ("John Henry") this morning, and also skimmed a list of their albums over on, contemplating which one I'd like to buy next. I *dig* coincidences....and TMBG.
> Iss "and I should be allowed to blurt the merest idea / if by random whim one occurs to me" achar

Wouldn't the IP addresses give everyone away?
Kel"I'm wondering who has the longest quotation spliced into their name and I'm also probably opening up a whole new can of worms by even mentioning that"ly

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