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Re: Solipsism again.
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 10:40:50
In Reply To: Re: Memory processes posted by wintermute on Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 01:57:06:

> There is a theory that the entire universe was created 5 minutes ago, and everything from dinosaur bones to the works of Shakespear, to your memory of reading the start of this post are just stitches in the Deity's great tapestry of false history. It does have the advantage that it can never be prooved or disprooved.
> winter"has believed in this for at least 10 minutes"mute

Heh. It's conjectures like this which make me think the word 'theory' is one of those terms which is as badly defined in general usage as the term 'Law'. A 'theory,' in its scientific sense, is a rigourous framework for understanding and interpreting a set of general principles and proven facts. Contrarily, I can only observe that the sense in which you're using the word 'theory' means "an unproved assumption assumed for the sake of argument or investigation."

Your 'theory' suffers from the assumption that the past cannot be experienced and was never observed, and that nothing is real... that time has no meaning... and that everything in the world is some sort of 'illusion' thrown up to test us (for some bizarre reason). I think that this conjecture may also be known as the "God is a Liar" hypothesis, complete with dinosaur bones getting buried, as you mention, which together with false histories of famous people like Shakespeare, plus false geological data, and false memories of past generations, act in concert to give the world the 'appearance' of having great age and a long past. Indeed, this is just another version of speculative solipsism, and it's a particularly Reducio ad absurdum one, at that.

Wolf "Sam did a good job of pointing out the absurd in his 'Thoery of Life and the Universe' it asolutly R0oLz~!!¿!!!!" spirit