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Re: I'm Getting Published...or am I?
Posted By: Silon, on host
Date: Monday, May 21, 2001, at 17:06:32
In Reply To: I'm Getting Published...or am I? posted by Den-Kara on Monday, May 21, 2001, at 16:12:14:


Have you read any of the Ted L. Nancy "Letters From a Nut" books? One of the interchanges in "Even More Letters From a Nut" is about a poetry contest, in which he submits a poem to a very similar poetry contest, the poem called "Why I Hate Poetry Contests". And guess what? It became a semi-finalist! He sent a revised version called "Why I Really Hate Poetry Contests". They "liked" it even better. In his last version, "Why I'm Going To Jump Off A 30-Story Building Because Of Your Poetry Contests", he almost "won", but they tried to get him to buy the book for $70.00, and a plaque with his poem in it for god only knows how much.

If they had actually read the poems he sent, instead of going in a poetry book, they would have gone in the dumpster.

Si"Loves the 'Letters From a Nut' books"lon