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Re: Thoery of Life and the Universe
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Monday, May 21, 2001, at 13:31:47
In Reply To: Re: Thoery of Life and the Universe posted by Darien on Monday, May 21, 2001, at 11:16:43:

> > Waht if I have in a box somewhere with electrodes in my brian, and they are feeding me the images that I see and hear?
> Ooh anothar BOX PUZZAL! Let me ytry i am teh BOMB OF TEH BOX lololol
> so tehre is electrodes in box and brains too are any of tehse things in the bocx
> appel
> moneys
> stephens left eye (lol)
> god
> not god
> stephen's right eye (lolol)

Darien wins.

-Faux Pas