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Re: Wedding Ring quilt
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2001, at 21:15:25
In Reply To: Re: Wedding Ring quilt posted by Grishny on Tuesday, May 15, 2001, at 08:15:28:

> I didn't burn your dinner. You burned your own dinner, and blamed me for it! (Why, I can't remember.)

You burned it, I burned it, let's not split hairs here, it's Howard's *happiness* we're talking about. Besides, I've already forgiven you for it, so you don't have to stay awake nights, tormenting yourself with guilt and angst anymore, okay? :-)
> As for Howard, I'm positive that he'd rather have coupons for Dollywood over McDonald's gift certificates any day.
Well, apparently not. He wants a quilt, and you know they can take some time to make, so maybe you better get busy.

> Gri"how did I get involved in this anyway? I'm not even interested in quilts"shny

koala"famous last words"mom