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Re: Evolution? It's that easy?
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2001, at 15:03:51
In Reply To: Evolution? It's that easy? posted by Mike, the penny-stamp man on Wednesday, May 16, 2001, at 13:49:42:

> > Even if we went so far as Johnny Mnemonic, implanting chips and grafting artificial limbs, does such technology really equal evolutionary advancement? Maybe my definition of evolution is too limited--i don't know. I look at it as something physiological, something one's offspring would necessarily be born with and could not lose except by the further evolution or digression of succeeding generations.

Hrm. I would call "evolutionary advancement" something that meant certain people were physically different from others, and which could be physically passed to future generations. All of that technological stuff is just mind-evolution. It's technology evolving, but the sort of things you describe from the TV show aren't what I would call a direct contribution to human evolution. Things like the ability to choose the genetic characteristics of your own child are, though. I think that might be the next big deal in human evolution: if that level of selectivity becomes common enough, the whole human race would alter over generations. Being able to surf the Internet on a mobile headset or surgically reattach a severed limb are just lifestyle things.

Brunnen-"whether any of it is a GOOD idea is an issue I'm not touching with a ten foot cyborg blaster arm"G