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Re: The secret life of Monkeyman
Posted By: 10Kan, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2001, at 09:45:58
In Reply To: Re: The secret life of Monkeyman posted by Sosiqui on Wednesday, May 16, 2001, at 08:35:30:

> /me laughs HYSTERICALLY!
> LOL! That is incredibly funny. I was and am laughing out loud at that.
> Sosi"the monkey has come!"qui

Sosiqui! Fer shame! Innocent Indians are falling to their deaths and being attacked in their sleep by this steel-clawed monstrosity, and all you can do is LAUGH!?

Would it be funny if someone was given a concussion when a huge tin cylindrical container fell on their head? Would you laugh if someone blamed me for it?

Yes, you probably would, wouldn't you!

10"I do fall on people's toes a lot, though"Kan