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Another RinkDream...
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2001, at 07:56:59

Yeah, I figured I'd post this one, because it was pretty darn cool, and most of it actually made rational sense! (Always good.) I dreamt that I was going on vacation to New Zealand.

The only odd thing about this dream was how I *got* to New Zealand - with about 20 other people sitting on a jet engine. Yup... no plane, just a flying jet engine. Okay. The view of New Zealand coming in was pretty cool (when I wasn't worrying about falling off the stupid jet engine). For some reason I thought that New Zealand had little earthquakes frequently, as we landed. (I believe I thought that because earlier in the night, I had a dream about being in an earthquake that scared me quite a bit.)

Where did I go once off the pl.. er, jet engine? Why, to Brunnen-G's house, of course! :) As I was walking there, I was thinking about Sam's travel log of his own trip, and thinking about how I would get to do a lot of those cool things too. As I walked, I noticed that the trees were wierd, like Sam had mentioned (yes, he really did mention that... I think he used the term 'extraterrestrial'), and noted that I would have to post on the RinkForum not only that I had arrived safely but that I agreed about the trees. For some reason, there were several squirrel monkeys running around in the trees.

I got to Brunnen-G's house, and she looked like she does in her pictures. (Pretty cool for my dreams.) Her house was very tastefully decorated, with exotic flair. When I got there, I realized that I didn't know her real name, so I asked what it was, and she told me. (I *do* know her real name, and my dream got it right.) I told her, quite clearly, my own real name but added, "but you can call me Sosiqui or Sosi if you like." When she showed me to the room I was going to sleep in, I asked her, jokingly, if this was where Sam and Leen had stayed as well.

Before she could answer, a little hairless dog came through the dog door. (For some reason, all the doors in Brunnen-G's house, even the interior doors, had pet doors in them.) BG smiled and said that the dog came over to see her cat every so often. (Her cat looked like Monkeyman's cat, Mocha - probably because I've seen several pics of Mocha but barely any of BG's cat.) Then the jet lag hit me, and I went to sleep. Sleeping in a dream is a new one for me...

When I woke up, we went out to eat. The line was long, but BG had this card thing that let her go to the front of the line. (Cool.) I ordered coffee (I don't know WHY, because I don't like coffee in real life) and it came in this thimble sized cup. Okay. I tasted it, and it was quite bitter. (First time I remember using my sense of taste in a dream!) Then we got up, and went to this horse riding area... and then I woke up.

I thought that dream ruled, just because there were SO many connections to the real world that were *right*. Yeah. Fun, fun.

Sosi"would like to go to NZ, but not on a jet engine alone, please"qui

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