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Re: Cathartic History
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2001, at 01:50:13
In Reply To: Re: Cathartic History posted by gabby on Tuesday, May 15, 2001, at 13:48:30:

> While looking, I found pages which said Constantine was a sun-worshipper. It was an interesting possibility--he only made it legal to be Christian; it became the state religion later.

Again, my reccolection my be flawed, but here goes:

Constantine was originally a Mithraist and one of Mithras's main interpretations was as the sun, so that fits.

On the eve of a battle (someone help me out here?) he had a vision of a cross and the words "Under this sign you will conquer". He adopted the trappings of Christianity and made exceptions to certain laws, allowing Christians certain freedoms from also worshipping Roman gods.

Upon his deathbed he is reputed to have converted fully, and his heir made Christianity the official religion of the (Holy) Roman Empire.

winter"Those crazy Romans, eh?"mute