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Re: Could someone interpret this dream?
Posted By: Madam Koala takes the bait, on host
Date: Monday, May 14, 2001, at 23:27:12
In Reply To: Could someone interpret this dream? posted by TalkingDog on Monday, May 14, 2001, at 12:57:33:

Madam Koala had actually hung up her turban, but, well, you asked so *nicely*....

...although, sorry, I don't think I have too much to offer here. Really, it works best if you know (at least something) about the person. I can guess you are a high school (?) student... but I don't know your gender, your feelings about school, about work, what is your relationship with your Grandpop like? etc. I'll just throw a couple things out here and you see what "fits"...

> The dream started out in gym class, with our new permanent substitute teacher: Hitler. I refused to play baseball, which Hitler wasn't too happy about, so I was kicked out of gym class for the remainder of the year.

...who hasn't had a dictatorial gym teacher? :-)

Some thoughts here: You do not "play ball" with people who tell you what to do (are you stubbornly independent? Do you have to find things out for yourself, rather than learn from other people?)
Interesting that he is a "permanent substitute" --in other words, not the "real" teacher--again, you possibly don't feel that being dictated to is the "real" way to learn about life.

..or is it just that you hate gym?

> Apparently, my grandpop had a secret job at my school. He was one of the janitors. He offered me a job as a janitor for 1st period every day, for $41 dollars/day. I accepted.

They say (they being those pop-psychology dream books) that if you dream about school, it means there is something you "still need to learn about" or are in the process of learning about in your life. I do buy that one, it seems to make sense in the context of a lot of people's dreams. So,
what is it you need to learn about?

Some thoughts here: The image of janitors and getting a job possibly suggests "work ethic" What kind of role does your grandpop have IRL? Is he a mentor to you?--("secretly") teaching you about having a work ethic? Is he a role-model as a hard worker? Do you accept the guidance he gives you?

> The next day, I reported to "work" late...and it was janitor's lunch time (they ate lunch earlier than students) I went to get my lunch from the cafeteria.
> All they had left in the cafeteria was a cheeseburger and three french fries. I was hungry and bought the food, despite the price: $3.20. Normally it'd be $2.40.

> I sat down and took the first bite of my burger, and suddenly the entire staff of janitors breaks out into song! I don't remember the song exactly, but after it was over, my grandpop told me that they sing that on a daily basis.
I think that eating this lunch is about *internalizing* what you need to learn.
(Eating = internalizing). You haven't really learned something until you've made it your own, a part of you. You can't do this by simply being "dictated to", a la Hitler the coach, you have to experience it yourself, firsthand (biting right into it). And yes, the price of having to learn something this way is often *higher* than normal.

(Either that, or, hey, Grishny, we need another Mc Donald's certificate over here for the burger & fries*...)

Not quite sure what to make out of the song.
Maybe a kind of "whistle while you work" thing,
indicating that the *daily* grind can also be a daily joy?

..also found it interesting that you dreamt very specific numbers. I don't think I've ever done that myself (although I don't remember numbers well in general, so that's no big surprise).
So, I'm not sure what to make of them. What do you think they represent?

> Then I woke up.
> If anyone has the time, could they do one of those dream-interpretation thingies? Thanks, I appreciate it.
> TalkingDog

Remember, *you* are the best judge of what the dream might mean--sometimes you just have to think about it a bit.

After I came to my own (feeble) interpretation, I ran your dream through the "Dream-o-meter" on illyandra's linked site out of curiosity. It seemed to be geared towards "this is a prophecy" or "this is an omen" type of interpretation, which I don't think is useful, or wise. All the "Madam Koala" kidding aside, I don't like fortune telling. I believe 99.99999% of our dreams tell us what is *already* going on in our own little worlds, and that dream interpretation is only useful to give us some deeper insight into ourselves, which we may miss in the hurry of the waking world. But, that's it.

koala"actually likes Pennystamp's interpretation quite well too :-) "mom

*I hereby plead guilty to beating a dead horse+

+ and no, I'm not refering to the quality of Mc Donald's meat.