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Water...or Green Stuff?
Posted By: Den-Kara, on host
Date: Monday, May 14, 2001, at 20:07:14

When riding in my parents' car this past Saturday, I was looking out the window and observing the stuff I saw outside (I tend to do that a lot). I was looking at the huge number of green things in nature (trees, grass, and what-not). I discovered I'd slipped down a hole of deep and meaningless thoughts. I wondered which has more area: All the waters of the world, or everything green in the world. When thinking of the green "stuff," I imagined taking every leaf, blade of grass, etc., and placing them side-to-side, end-to-end, so that what would be considered "green area" wouldn't just be a tree, but every leaf on that tree laid out...I sound like a rambling fool, but oh well. LOL. :D Anyway, I was trying to tell all of this to my friend, Forrest, and for some spooky reason he totally understood what I was trying to say. And so I was all excited, and asked him which he thought had more area, the water or the green "stuff." He replied, "Water. DUH!" And I told him, "Yeah, I thought so, but think about how much green stuff there is. You could put all the leaves flat on the ground, end-to-end, and-" He interrupted me and said, "Well, if you're going to do THAT, then isn't it possible that you could take the deep oceans and lakes and lay THEM out, drop by drop?" I looked at him, shocked. "Oh," I said. "What?" He asked me. "I forgot that oceans have a depth." Needless to say, he laughed uproariously at me while I rolled my eyes at my own stupidity.

~Den-"taped two frosted animal crackers to a bulletin board two months ago in Journalism...and they're still there, waiting to be eaten"Kara