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Re: Space, life, everything.
Posted By: Kaz!, on host
Date: Sunday, May 13, 2001, at 15:08:00
In Reply To: Corrections Welcome posted by Oeras on Sunday, May 13, 2001, at 13:17:21:

>...Everyone is going to die out. The solar system is going to die out after that, and the galaxy, and the universe eventually. So, one marble is nothing. One person is nothing. Six billion people are nothing. One planet, with all its animal and plant life, amounts to nothing in the universe. Hundreds of billions of stars amount to nothing.
>And besides all this (or should I say, none of this), a universe means nothing.

Let us move now from the very large to the very small. Let us assume that one atom is nothing. It is so small, so insignificant -- what difference could it make? So, let us move a step further, to the molecule. If the atom is nothing, then the molucule must also be nothing, being made of only atoms. Now, consider a simple cell. It is made up of molecules, made up of atoms. So it, too, is nothing. Now, consider us. We are made up of cells, made up of molecules, made up of atoms, which are nothing. But we do exist. Therefore, each atom must play a role, if even an small one, to make up our existance. So, although they may not seem like much alone, together they can make up something much greater.

And just because something is miniscule compared to something else doesn't mean that its influence is just as small. One country can massively impact all the others. One man can change the outcome of a war. One flap of a butterfly's wings can set into motion a series of events leading to a tsunami on the other side of the world.

So, we return again to the cosmic scale, so huge that it streches beyond imagination. If something as small as an atom help create a living butterfly, and if that butterfly can create a tsunami, would not a single person on this small planet have an effect, if only a small one, on the entire cosmos? So, even in terms of an unimaginably large cosmos, a universe is something. One planet, with all its animal and plant life, amounts to something. One person is something.

And whether or no we amount to anything on the cosmic scale, a universe, a planet, a person can mean something important to *me*. And that's all that I think is important.

-Ka"Same date as above post, though a bit later in the day"z!