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Re: Who's Wilra Boff?
Posted By: illyandra, on host
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2001, at 22:27:54
In Reply To: Who's Wilra Boff? posted by Gahalia on Saturday, May 12, 2001, at 15:23:41:

> When I was younger, I couldn't get enough of Mary Poppins. But during the song Chim Chim Cheree I would always ask myself:
> "Why is he calling everyone he shakes hands with Wilra Boff? It's *obvious* that they're different people."
> Confused me for the longest time.
> I hadn't thought of that for a while, till two nights ago when I couldn't sleep and my mind was wandering. I get so annoyed at my sleeping patterns sometimes. Yesterday I was tired the *entire* day. But when I went to bed early (to get lots of sleep for finals today) I couldn't fall asleep! And when I eventually did I just woke up again. Oh, well. Usually it's not this bad. But anyone have any suggestions? I've tried listening to music and that helps some.
> Ga"'Good luck will rub off...' Hmm... maybe I need to shake hands with a chimney sweep...."halia

Strange you mention Mary Poppins because I just randomly started singing that one song "Oh it's a jolly holiday with Mary" at lunch on Thursday. My friends thought I was insane, but it fit in somewhere in my mind I guess. =)

I always find it incredibly hard to get to sleep when I actually want to sleep, if that makes sense. Esp. if I have school or something important the next day that I want to get enough sleep for. My mind just wanders and I find myself looking at the clock and thinking, "Okay if I fall asleep NOW I'll get 6 hours of sleep, that's not that bad!" I think everyone has nights like these and you just have to deal with it. Though counting up to 100 and back down and also trying to consciously control your breathing usually helps me a bit. As for listening to music...sometimes that helps me, sometimes it just gets me more wired. Good luck though!

illy"are there even chimney sweeps anymore?"andra

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