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OK, poetry appreciation time.....
Posted By: Liz, on host
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2001, at 11:58:52

May I share this poem with you guys? I read it in my English class yesterday and my teacher dedicated it to our group which I thought was pretty sweet. I think it's basically about going out and living, which I think is pretty apt for now, when University is looming and exams before that and jobs after that.

Anyway, check it out, it's by a modern English poet called Carol Ann Duffy....

Away and See

Away and see an ocean suck at a boiled sun
and say to someone things I'd blush even to dream.
Slip off your dress in a high room over the harbour.
Write to me soon.

New fruits sing on the fipside of night in a market
of language, light, a tune from the chapel nearby
stopping you dead, the peach in your palm respiring.
Taste it for me.

Away and see the things that words give a name to, the flight
of syllables, wingspan stretching a noun. Test words
wherever they live; listen and touch, smell, believe.
Spell them with love.

Skedaddle. Somebody chaps at the doorat a year's end, hopeful.
Away and see who it is. Let in the new, the vivid,
horror and pity, passion, the stranger holding the future.
Ask him his name.

Nothing's the same as anything else. Away and see
for yourself. Walk. Fly. Take a boat till land reappears,
altered forever, ringing it's bells, alive. Go on. G'on.
Away and see.

What do you think Rinky-Dinks?
Liz "hey! I'm a poet and I don't know it!" zie