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Re: Isn't that just Rinky-Dinky?
Posted By: gremlinn, on host
Date: Friday, May 11, 2001, at 13:42:44
In Reply To: Re: Isn't that just Rinky-Dinky? posted by Wolfspirit on Friday, May 11, 2001, at 12:42:46:

> But actually, I Blame Darien. Who else? Kaz! claimed Sam was the first to originate the term, but Darien retorted (and if memory serves me right), I quote: "No, Iss was the first to say 'Rinky-Dinks.'" But I have no idea which Forum Post of Issachar's it is that Darien is referring to. It's from before my time.
> Hah! So prove it, my dear!
> Wolf "Besides, Sam says 'Rinky-dinks' is the term he likes himself, so that should settle the usage part, notwithstanding Travholt, right?" spirit

Maybe it's this post from Dec. 1998 (follow link!)


Link: Rinky-dink