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Escaping (i.e. procrastinating)
Posted By: Oeras, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 22:06:34

This is another one of my posts where it is all about me and my problems. But I thought it might "spark some dicussion" so here it is:

Sometimes everything just builds up and gets too much to handle. School, of course, is always looming with homework and projects and tests and such. Then there's social life (which I don't have much of, but still), with my friends and trying to remember of all the things going on with them. Not to mention things at home.

So, what to do with all this pressure? I find the best way for me is to lose myself in something. A book most often, and sometimes an RPG. I also think RinkChat is good, but when I get on for this purpose, I'm usually not in good humor. I also love music, and as soon as I get a drumset I will be playing it near-constantly. (I realize I have to eat and sleep, but otherwise it will be drumming all the time! Yay!) So, that's what's been on my mind lately. What do you people do to take your mind off things?

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