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A Very Strange, Somewhat RinkDream
Posted By: LaZorra, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 20:10:54

Only Somewhat RinkDream, though.

I dreamed I was on a cruise ship, where the rooms were perfectly square and white and furnishing-less. No bed, no bathroom, nothing. My ENTIRE (200+) collection of Barbie dolls (yes, I do collect Barbie dolls) was there, on MY shelves and bookcases. Anyway, all of a sudden Darien was there, which is really weird 'cause I've never even said hello to Darien. I was showing him my customized Barbie dolls (You do like dolls, don't you, Darien?), and when I came to one he said something like "I really like that one. Can I buy it?" And I said, "Sure. But I'm not finished painting the shoes yet; I'll give her to you at the end of the cruise." (Now, this is an actual doll that I've done, a tap dancer, and I HAVEN'T finished her shoes.) I never saw his face because he was always standing behind me or I was looking at the doll in my hands. After that, I was suddenly outside a window on the ship(think A-Team manuever) and this little ancient lady opened the window and let me in. Then she led me though three rooms where she told me the story of her life. The first room depicted her childhood, and there was a little white baby grand piano with pink painted roses on it, and also some weird dolls with cheap plastic Barbie bodies and oversized heads (one had a GUY'S head). Second room was her teen years, and the third was from then to her old age. In the second room, a guy from the cruise line came in and told us the cruise was over. So after the third room (which had her husband in it), we disembarked and I gave Darien his doll. Then I awoke. Bizarre.

La "See what happens when you RinkChat the night away???" Zorra

Link: By the way, here's a photo of the doll Darien bought from me.